NCFO Executive Board Provides an UPDATE on the tentative agreement with the National Carrier’s Conference Committee
Since we last communicated with the National Conference of Firemen & Oilers (NCFO) Membership, the NCFO has met with the Railroads at a public interest meeting at the NMB with Labor Secretary Walsh and continued to have discussions with the Railroads concerning the recommendations of Presidential Emergency Board #250. The NCFO met with all our General Chairmen and Regional Chairmen to discuss our situation. It was the opinion of NCFO officers and the General and Regional Chairmen that, since this contract would offer the highest wage increase in 48 years and the highest amount of retroactive pay in any National Agreement, this agreement must be presented to the membership for their consideration, and that the NCFO has to allow our democratic process to move forward and allow the Members to Vote on their contract. Therefore, The National Conference of Firemen & Oilers (NCFO) reached a Tentative Agreement with the National Carrier’s Conference Committee (NCCC). This Tentative Agreement will be presented to the NCFO Members for ratification.
The Tentative Agreement secures all of the recommendations of Presidential Emergency Board #250. Under the terms of this Agreement, employees will receive General Wage Increases of 24% compounded Increases over 5 years.
The recommendation also called for five $1,000 Service Recognition Bonus. The Tentative Agreement provides positive design changes to our Healthcare Plans related to the coverage and treatment for autism disorder and hearing benefits. It also provides an additional day of paid leave.
We also noticed that a lot of misinformation is being spread, we recommend that you and your family, review the terms of the agreement and the information that will be provided by NCFO to make an educated decision which would be in the best interest of your family.
NCFO Members in National Freight handling can expect to receive voting instructions in the near future.